Jim Thomas has over thirty years of experience in all aspects of social care workforce development, training and education. He has worked locally, regionally and nationally on policy, strategy and practical solutions to a broad range of workforce issues. This includes developing one of the first comprehensive joint social care, health and police adult safeguarding training programmes, creating a national set of principles on how to implement workforce redesign and setting out the key principles for successful workforce integration. Jim has worked with national and local government to advise and implement the workforce development element of a range of policy and strategy, including workforce capacity planning to support the implementation of England’s Care Act (2014) and the creation of a set of shared workforce priorities. Jim continues to work nationally and regionally supporting local government social care teams and provider organisations with workforce strategy, workforce integration and workforce productivity. He is also involved in work with colleagues on how to improve coproduction and is leading work on the impact of poverty amongst social care workers on the quality of care and support.