Edition 2021

The European Social Services Awards in 2021 were held under the theme Building Resilience in Social Services, recognising the transformation of the delivery of social services in their response to Covid-19, and how they ensured continuity and quality of care for vulnerable populations and those in need of support across Europe.

The 2021 Awards honoured the effort of social services in developing practice and programmes responding to immediate needs but also how they looked ahead towards building resilient services and communities that are better prepared for future crises.

Congratulations to our 2021 winners below!



           Social Services Innovation Award

Alternative Accommodation for Older People to help them overcome loneliness

DG Elderly People, Madrid City Council, Spain

Outstanding Team Award 

Socio-Educational Project Team, Churriana de la Vega, Grenada, Spain

Collaborative Practice Award

National Housing First Programme

The Irish Government’s Housing and Health Services, all the NGOs involved and Genio, Ireland

Research Project 

Social Work and the Covid-19 Crisis

National Foundation of Social Workers & National Council of Social Workers, Italy

Technology Tool

DOST:Smart Model for Sustainable Social Services

Agency for Sustainable and Operative Social Provision, Azerbaijan

Social Services Excellence Award

Agenzija Sapport Community Service Team, Agenzija Sapport, Malta

Thank you to all our partners, judges, nominated finalists, participants and voters



2021 Awards Ceremony | 1 April 2022 Brussels

View stream on flickr