At the forefront of providing support to individuals, families and communities, particularly during times of crisis, social services are central to creating a caring, inclusive, and productive societies. The annual European Social Services Awards (ESSA) is a unique opportunity to highlight and gain recognition for the work of social services teams across Europe and share best practice with peers.
Organised by the European Social Network, the Awards shine a spotlight on successful new approaches and the extraordinary ongoing work of public social services managers, funders, planners, providers, and deliverers of social services, as well as providing opportunities for exchange and mutual learning to improve social work policies and practice.
Discover the highlights of the 2023 European Social Services Awards!
Meet the winners of the 2023 European Social Services Awards
The winners were announced at the Awards Ceremony on 16 November 2023 in Zagreb, Croatia.
Service Delivery
Coffee and Community: Tackling Rural Isolation
Rural Coffee Caravan, United Kingdom
Workforce Support
PYCIPEDIA: Knowledge Sharing Platform to Connect Specialist Social Workers
Linköping Municipality R&D Centre & IT University of Copenhagen, Sweden
Collaborative Practice
The Sharing Factory
Public Centre for Social Welfare Kortrijk, Belgium
Research & Evaluation
Through the eyes of the child
The Child and Family Agency (Tusla) & Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Digital Transformation
Automating Social Protection for Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine
Ukrainian Ministry of Social Policy and Ministry of Digital Transformation & Medirent, Ukraine
Excellence in Cities
Social Atelier
City of Osijek, Croatia