Partners 2020

We would like to thank the following organisations for their support:



Edenred designs and delivers innovative solutions to assist public authorities in the implementation of their social policies. Edenred provides public entities with efficient means of distributing social benefits, respecting policy’s objectives and beneficiaries’ needs. These solutions are based on a wide range of technological options, from chip cards to biometrics tools and fully digital programmes.

IBM Watson Health

IBM Watson Health

Those who work in healthcare fill essential roles in our society. IBM is dedicated to enabling them to derive more insights from their data and simplify their operations, helping their organizations to become more efficient, resilient and robust institutions.

SAP Software Solutions

SAP Software Solutions

ICT often makes the difference between what can or can’t be done in terms of policies and service delivery. SAP SE is a multinational software corporation that makes enterprise software to manage business operations and customer relations.


If you are interested in partnering with us, please get in touch with ESN’s Chief Executive Alfonso Lara Montero at